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Sunan an-Nasai

The Book of Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer)

كتاب الجمعة

أَخْبَرَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ الْحَكَمِ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ جَعْفَرٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ مَنْصُورٍ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ مُرَّةَ، عَنْ أَبِي عُبَيْدَةَ، عَنْ كَعْبِ بْنِ عُجْرَةَ، قَالَ دَخَلَ الْمَسْجِدَ وَعَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ أُمِّ الْحَكَمِ يَخْطُبُ قَاعِدًا فَقَالَ انْظُرُوا إِلَى هَذَا يَخْطُبُ قَاعِدًا وَقَدْ قَالَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ‏{‏ وَإِذَا رَأَوْا تِجَارَةً أَوْ لَهْوًا انْفَضُّوا إِلَيْهَا وَتَرَكُوكَ قَائِمًا ‏}‏ ‏.‏

It was narrated that Ka'b bin 'Ujrah said that: He entered the masjid and 'Abdur-Rahman bin Umm Al-Hakam was delivering the Khutbah while seated. "He said: 'Look at this man who is delivering the khutbah while seated when Allah (SWT) says: And when they see some merchandise or some amusement they disperse headlong to it, and leave you standing.'" Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1398
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1398

أَخْبَرَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي عُمَرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْوَاحِدِ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ يَحْيَى بْنَ الْحَارِثِ، يُحَدِّثُ عَنْ أَبِي الأَشْعَثِ الصَّنْعَانِيِّ، عَنْ أَوْسِ بْنِ أَوْسٍ الثَّقَفِيِّ، عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏"‏ مَنْ غَسَّلَ وَاغْتَسَلَ وَابْتَكَرَ وَغَدَا وَدَنَا مِنَ الإِمَامِ وَأَنْصَتَ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَلْغُ كَانَ لَهُ بِكُلِّ خُطْوَةٍ كَأَجْرِ سَنَةٍ صِيَامِهَا وَقِيَامِهَا ‏"‏ ‏.‏

It was narrated from Aws bin Aws Ath-Thaqafi that : The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Whoever washes (ghassala) and performs ghusl, and comes early to the masjid and sits near the imam, is attentive and does not engage in idle talk, for every step he takes he will have (the reward of) a year's worth of good deeds, its fasting and Qiyam prayer." Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1399
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1399

أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الأَعْلَى، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا الْمُعْتَمِرُ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنِ السَّائِبِ بْنِ يَزِيدَ، قَالَ كَانَ بِلاَلٌ يُؤَذِّنُ إِذَا جَلَسَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم عَلَى الْمِنْبَرِ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ فَإِذَا نَزَلَ أَقَامَ ثُمَّ كَانَ كَذَلِكَ فِي زَمَنِ أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ رضى الله عنهما ‏.‏

It was narrated that As-Sa'ib bin Yazid said: "Bilal used to call the adhan when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sat on the minbar on Friday, and when he came down he would say the Iqamah. It continued like that during the time of Abu Bakr and 'Umar, may Allah (SWT) be pleased with them." Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1395
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1395

أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبِي، عَنْ صَالِحٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، أَنَّ السَّائِبَ بْنَ يَزِيدَ، أَخْبَرَهُ قَالَ إِنَّمَا أَمَرَ بِالتَّأْذِينِ الثَّالِثِ عُثْمَانُ حِينَ كَثُرَ أَهْلُ الْمَدِينَةِ وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم غَيْرُ مُؤَذِّنٍ وَاحِدٍ وَكَانَ التَّأْذِينُ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ حِينَ يَجْلِسُ الإِمَامُ ‏.‏

As-Sa'ib bin Yazid said: "The third adhan was ordered by 'Uthman when the number of people in Al-Madinah increased. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) only had one adhan, and the adhan on Friday was when the imam sat down." Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1394
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1394

أَخْبَرَنَا شُعَيْبُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، قَالَ أَنْبَأَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ يَعْلَى بْنِ الْحَارِثِ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ إِيَاسَ بْنَ سَلَمَةَ بْنِ الأَكْوَعِ، يُحَدِّثُ عَنْ أَبِيهِ، قَالَ كُنَّا نُصَلِّي مَعَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم الْجُمُعَةَ ثُمَّ نَرْجِعُ وَلَيْسَ لِلْحِيطَانِ فَىْءٌ يُسْتَظَلُّ بِهِ ‏.‏

Iyas bin Al-Akwa' narrated that his father said: "We used to pray jumu'ah with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) then we would go back, and the walls had no shadow in which shade could be sought." Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1392
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1392

أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، عَنْ يُونُسَ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي السَّائِبُ بْنُ يَزِيدَ، أَنَّ الأَذَانَ، كَانَ أَوَّلُ حِينَ يَجْلِسُ الإِمَامُ عَلَى الْمِنْبَرِ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةَ فِي عَهْدِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وَأَبِي بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ فَلَمَّا كَانَ فِي خِلاَفَةِ عُثْمَانَ وَكَثُرَ النَّاسُ أَمَرَ عُثْمَانُ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ بِالأَذَانِ الثَّالِثِ فَأُذِّنَ بِهِ عَلَى الزَّوْرَاءِ فَثَبَتَ الأَمْرُ عَلَى ذَلِكَ ‏.‏

As-Sa'ib bin Yazid narrated that: The first adhan used to be when the imam sat on the minbar on Friday, at the time of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and Abu Bakr and 'Umar. During the caliphate of 'Uthman, when the number of people increased, 'Uthman commanded that a third adhan be given on Friday, so that adhan was given from the top of Az-Zawra, and that is how it remained. Translation Not Available

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Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 14 Hadith no 1393
Web reference: Sunan Nasai Volume 2 Book 14 Hadith no 1393

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