أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، قَالَ أَنْبَأَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ سَأَلَ الْحَارِثُ بْنُ هِشَامٍ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم كَيْفَ يَأْتِيكَ الْوَحْىُ قَالَ ‏"‏ فِي مِثْلِ صَلْصَلَةِ الْجَرَسِ فَيَفْصِمُ عَنِّي وَقَدْ وَعَيْتُ وَهُوَ أَشَدُّهُ عَلَىَّ وَأَحْيَانًا يَأْتِينِي فِي مِثْلِ صُورَةِ الْفَتَى فَيَنْبِذُهُ إِلَىَّ ‏"‏ ‏.‏

It was narrated that Aishah said: "Al-Harith bin Hisham asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH): 'How does the Revelation come to you?' He said: 'Like the ringing of a bell, and when it departs I remember what he (the Angel) said, and this is the hardest on me. And sometimes he (the Angel) comes to me in the form of a man and gives it to me.'" Translation Not Available

Book Ref: Sunan An Nisai Book 11 Hadith 933
Web Ref:  Sunan An Nisai Vol 2 Book 11 Hadith 934