حَدَّثَنِي يَحْيَى، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ رَمَيْتُ طَائِرَيْنِ بِحَجَرٍ وَأَنَا بِالْجُرْفِ، فَأَصَبْتُهُمَا فَأَمَّا أَحَدُهُمَا فَمَاتَ فَطَرَحَهُ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ عُمَرَ وَأَمَّا الآخَرُ فَذَهَبَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ عُمَرَ يُذَكِّيهِ بِقَدُومٍ فَمَاتَ قَبْلَ أَنْ يُذَكِّيَهُ فَطَرَحَهُ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ أَيْضًا .
ahya related to me from Malik that Nafi said, "I was at al-Juruf(near Madina) and threw a stone at two birds, and hit them. One ofthem died, and Abdullah ibn Umar threw it away, and then went toslaughter the other one with an adze. It died before he couldslaughter it, so Abdullah threw that one away as well." Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1055
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1
وَحَدَّثَنِي عَنْ مَالِكٍ، أَنَّهُ بَلَغَهُ أَنَّ الْقَاسِمَ بْنَ مُحَمَّدٍ، كَانَ يَكْرَهُ مَا قَتَلَ الْمِعْرَاضُ وَالْبُنْدُقَةُ .
Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that al-Qasimibn Muhammad disapproved of eating game that had been killed withthrowing sticks and by clay pellets. Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1056
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 2
سَعِيدَ بْنَ الْمُسَيَّبِ، كَانَ يَكْرَهُ أَنْ تُقْتَلَ الإِنْسِيَّةُ، بِمَا يُقْتَلُ بِهِ الصَّيْدُ مِنَ الرَّمْىِ وَأَشْبَاهِهِ . قَالَ مَالِكٌ وَلاَ أَرَى بَأْسًا بِمَا أَصَابَ الْمِعْرَاضُ إِذَا خَسَقَ وَبَلَغَ الْمَقَاتِلَ أَنْ يُؤْكَلَ قَالَ اللَّهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَيَبْلُوَنَّكُمُ اللَّهُ بِشَىْءٍ مِنَ الصَّيْدِ تَنَالُهُ أَيْدِيكُمْ وَرِمَاحُكُمْ } قَالَ فَكُلُّ شَىْءٍ نَالَهُ الإِنْسَانُ بِيَدِهِ أَوْ رُمْحِهِ أَوْ بِشَىْءٍ مِنْ سِلاَحِهِ فَأَنْفَذَهُ وَبَلَغَ مَقَاتِلَهُ فَهُوَ صَيْدٌ كَمَا قَالَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى
Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Said ibnal-Musayyab disapproved of killing domestic animals that had becomewild by any means that game was slain such as arrows and the like. Malik said, "I do not see any harm in eating game which ispierced by a throwing stick in a vital organ. Allah, theBlessed, the Exalted! said, 'Oh you who believe! Allah will surely tryyou with something of the game that your hands and spears attain.' "(Sura 5 ayat 97). Yahya said, "Any game that man obtains byhis hand or by his spear or by any weapon which pierces it and reachesa vital organ, is acceptable as Allah, the Exalted, has said." Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1057
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 3
وَحَدَّثَنِي عَنْ مَالِكٍ أَنَّهُ سَمِعَ أَهْلَ الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ إِذَا أَصَابَ الرَّجُلُ الصَّيْدَ فَأَعَانَهُ عَلَيْهِ غَيْرُهُ مِنْ مَاءٍ أَوْ كَلْبٍ غَيْرِ مُعَلَّمٍ لَمْ يُؤْكَلْ ذَلِكَ الصَّيْدُ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ سَهْمُ الرَّامِي قَدْ قَتَلَهُ أَوْ بَلَغَ مَقَاتِلَ الصَّيْدِ حَتَّى لاَ يَشُكَّ أَحَدٌ فِي أَنَّهُ هُوَ قَتَلَهُ وَأَنَّهُ لاَ يَكُونُ لِلصَّيْدِ حَيَاةٌ بَعْدَهُ . قَالَ وَسَمِعْتُ مَالِكًا يَقُولُ لاَ بَأْسَ بِأَكْلِ الصَّيْدِ - وَإِنْ غَابَ عَنْكَ مَصْرَعُهُ - إِذَا وَجَدْتَ بِهِ أَثَرًا مِنْ كَلْبِكَ أَوْ كَانَ بِهِ سَهْمُكَ مَا لَمْ يَبِتْ فَإِذَا بَاتَ فَإِنَّهُ يُكْرَهُ أَكْلُهُ .
Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard the people ofknowledge say that when a man hit game and something else might havecontributed to death, like water or an untrained dog, that game wasnot to be eaten unless it was beyond doubt that it was the arrow ofthe hunter that had killed it by reaching a vital organ, so that itdid not have any life after that. Yahya said that he heard Malik say that there was no harm ineating game when you did not see it die if you found the mark of yourdog on it or your arrow in it as long as it had not remainedovernight. If it had remained overnight, then it was disapproved of toeat it. Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1057
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 4
وَحَدَّثَنِي يَحْيَى، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عُمَرَ، أَنَّهُ كَانَ يَقُولُ فِي الْكَلْبِ الْمُعَلَّمِ كُلْ مَا أَمْسَكَ عَلَيْكَ إِنْ قَتَلَ وَإِنْ لَمْ يَقْتُلْ .
Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi that Abdullah ibn Umarsaid about a trained dog, "Eat whatever it catches for you whether iteats from it or not." Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1058
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 5
وَحَدَّثَنِي عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَمَّنْ سَمِعَ نَافِعًا، يَقُولُ قَالَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ عُمَرَ وَإِنْ أَكَلَ وَإِنْ لَمْ يَأْكُلْ .
Yahya related to me from Malik that he heard Nafi say thatAbdullah ibn Umar said, "Whether it eats from it or not." Translation Not Available
Book reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 1059
Web reference: Muwatta Imam Malik Book 25 Hadith no 6